in a strong economy, Why are so many workers on strike?

In a strong economy, Why are so many workers on strike?

In the recent years many companies have seen growth up to 4% in corporate profits. Unfortunately the employed labors have barely seen any sign of a raise in their paychecks and with many Americans struggling. This has lead to many strikes, with many bold workers demanding more compensation using their hard to fill jobs as leverage, sadly this may not work 100% of the time due to companies immediately replacing the striking worker putting them out of a job. the last time strike numbers were this high was back in the 1980's but since last year the number has soared to nearly 500,000 workers requesting a pay raise.

Image result for workers on strike"

I find that companies holding back on their workers salary quite unfair considering that they make up most of the company and probably do the most work. I'm aware its not easy to just give every worker a raise because there are many options to take into consideration but it seems like they didn't even see raises as a viable option. Company growth is very important especially when your numbers are down, however it was nothing of the sort. The primary focus seemed to be expanding the company to get the word out but they must've forgotten that that 80% of their company is blue collar workers, who come in to their 9-5 job each day doing back breaking labor or whatever type of work they are doing. At the end of the day i kind of see this as a little bit of corporate greed but theirs not much you can do when your company replaces you for going on strike but at least they stood up for what they knew was right.
